Art Exhibition

In Martin Travers’ new exhibition entitled ‘Journeys through struggles and dreams’ he explores
the classic notion of ‘what doesn’t kill you simply makes you stronger.’ Through a series of journeys on public transport around the world Martin found inspiration for his murals and drawings. ‘The people I meet may become friends or memories, but I try to tell some of their stories, struggles and dreams.’ he says. The opening night will see DJ Werd from Berlin on decks and live performances by Marakit Saturay, Parwom Alhbari and Sharla Sookha. Martin is currently involved in “Three Artists Three cities” an International collaborative project to create positive changes on a community level in Amsterdam, Birmingham and Casablanca.

Where: Mezrab Gallery (Domselaerstraat 120)
When: 30 September 2011 19.00-22.00

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